Men’s Mental Health

Asking for help is the first step!

  • How to know if you have self esteem issues?

  • How can I build up a mans self esteem?

  • When to to seek professional help for men's mental health?

Download your free Self Esteem check below:

Man Behind The Mask


Sometimes life throws challenges of varying degrees of difficulty into our daily lives. They can be issues relating to work, relationships, anxiety, mood changes and much more. Seeking the support of a counsellor allows you to sift through the challenges in a safe protected and non-judgemental environment. As a professional counsellor I can help with providing tools and psychoeducation to provide a basis for understanding and moving through the challenge


Male self esteem problems

Men are known for blocking or suppressing their feelings instead of talking about them. Unfortunately, there is a certain stigma around men and their emotions. They prefer to be the ‘strong silent type’ rather than risk being perceived as weak or too sensitive. But how to know if you have self-esteem issues? Taking the first step to tell someone and reach out for help is so important. It is often a huge weight off your shoulders when you take the first step towards asking for help.
If you choose to keep it to yourself, you increase your risk of depression and anxiety going unrecognised and untreated. Depression is a high-risk factor for suicide and contributes to the big difference in suicide rates for men and women.

Sadly, one in eight men will experience depression at some point in their lives, and one in five men will experience anxiety. An average of seven out of around nine suicides every day in Australia are men. The number of men who commit suicide in Australia every year is nearly double the number of deaths on our roads. If you choose to keep it to yourself, you increase your risk of depression and anxiety going unrecognised and untreated. Depression is a high-risk factor for suicide and contributes to the big difference in suicide rates for men and women.

Understanding Men's Mental Health

  • Everyone’s mental health changes and varies throughout their life and can move between positive and healthy, to severe feelings of depression. In response to different stressors and experiences, it can have a mild or major effect on one’s life.

  • Effectively managing your mental health by understanding why you are feeling this way, reading mens self esteem books and talking to family, friends and a professional, can significantly improve your life, increase your ability to support your family, enjoy friendships and live happily.

So, why choose Kerry Ellis and how can she help you with mental health?

  • Besides my work as an empathetic counsellor, I have held management positions within industries with a substantial male presence. This allowed me to be creative in my communication skills and understand my employees and clients better. During this time, I also understood that men were often very reluctant to discuss problems or issues inside or outside of the work arena.

  • Currently, I work with families who have separated, and fathers are seeking access to their children through the court system. This can provide challenges emotionally, and most often, men report not feeling supported and judged.

  • Additionally, in recent times, my partner was diagnosed with prostate cancer and is finding his way through life post-surgical intervention. As a family, we struggled emotionally. However, in the times I was able to set aside and look at the situation through my mental health training, I realised the incredible toll on men's mental health.

  • Mostly, men feel they have to keep stoic and not talk about their journey for fear of this being seen as a weakness. I also discovered that there is a fantastic amount of information and support from credible institutions and groups that weren't always readily accessible.