What if pain Can be your friend!
What is pain?
Pain is a natural part of life. It's a warning system that tells us when something is wrong.
It warns us that an injury has occurred and we should take care of it. Pain is our body’s way of telling us that there’s something wrong with our health. It may come from an injury, illness, or other medical condition like arthritis and diabetes.
Pain can also be a complex and often misunderstood experience. It can be difficult to tell whether the sensation is physical or emotional, and some people experience pain when there is no identifiable cause.
The experience of pain is affected by both psychological and biological factors such as one’s genetic makeup, mood, beliefs about pain, and past experiences with pain.
Pain can be caused by:
Nerve damage
Tips to reduce Anxiety
Pain can be sensory and/or an emotional experience.
When we touch something hot, for instance, the nerves in our skin send messages to our brain. The brain interprets these messages and sends signals back to the skin, muscles, and other tissues so they can react.
The pain of touching something hot is not just about how it feels on the surface of your skin; it's also about how you interpret that sensation in your brain. This interpretation may be different from person to person based on their past experiences with pain or other sensations.
What is emotional pain?
Negative emotional pain is the feeling of discomfort and distress caused by emotional events such as grief and anxiety.
Emotional pain can be a result of both positive and negative emotions. It can be short-term or long-term. It can also be physical or psychological. When it is short-term, it usually goes away on its own, but when it is long-term, it needs to be treated by a doctor or therapist.
Negative emotional pain is the feeling of discomfort and distress caused by emotional events such as grief and anxiety.
There are three types of emotional pain:
1) The first type is called acute emotional pain which includes feelings such as anger, fear, sadness, guilt, shame and embarrassment
2) The second type is called chronic emotional pain which includes feelings such as loneliness and depression
3) The third type is called existential emotional pain which includes feelings such as meaninglessness and despair
What is physical pain?
Physical pain is what most people refer to when they say something hurts on their body and is associated with damage to tissues of their body. Physical pain can be caused by many things and can be described as throbbing, aching, or burning.
Are their different types of physical pain?
Yes! There are two types of pain: acute and chronic.
Acute pain usually comes from an injury or illness and is often sharp, intense, or throbbing in nature and comes on quite suddenly. Acute pain typically lasts less than six months.
Chronic pain can be constant and last for years without any specific origin point, however can also arise from ongoing damage to the body or a medical condition such as arthritis or diabetes, and can be constant or intermittent in nature.
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What are the treatments for pain?
Generally speaking the most common interventions to treat pain are paracetamol medication/drugs, immobilising (using casts or bandaging), physio therapy and chiropractic, just to name a few.
When referring to chronic pain, long term pain management strategies are often entered into and can include any or all of the above plus mental health interventions. Many people will seek natural pain relief as many pain relief medications and drugs have harsh side effects.
What is a natural treatment for pain?
Hypnotherapy aka hypnosis. It is not to be associated with being a treatment but rather a management solution. Learning to listen and acknowledge the signs and messages of your body (as well as understanding pain triggers - this is where there is no pain but a fear of pain presenting itself).
It must be stated clearly that when referring to the use of hypnotherapy for any form of treatment for pain, the pain being referred to is diagnosed unnecessary pain and must always in the first instance be treated by a Doctor or Specialist. HYPNOTHERAPY IS NOT A REPLACEMENT FOR GENERAL PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE.
There are many different types of therapies that can be used in combating a person's dealing with physical and mental problems. One type of therapy that has been showing a lot of promise in helping alleviate these issues is the use of hypnotic suggestion therapy. . It is a type of complementary and alternative medicine that has been used for centuries. Many studies have and are showing the effectiveness of this therapy in reducing and eliminating pain.
Hypnotherapy is a process of using one's mind to heal oneself by creating a state of deep relaxation in which the patients unconscious mind is more receptive to new ideas.
A hypnotherapist works with their client to induce a state of deep relaxation in order to help them explore the root cause of their problem. They then work together on establishing new patterns in order to change habits and behaviours.
The technique can be used for pain management, by alleviating or eliminating it altogether. It can also be used for anxiety and depression, as well as other conditions.
There are many studies that show the effectiveness of this therapy in reducing and eliminating pain.